How to correctly measure an acoustic curtain?
Logically, the first thing is to measure the width and height of the window or door where we want to install it. The next and perhaps most important, would be to include a small increase in the measurements, (we will explain below) of this width and this height, so as not to diminish the insulating effect of the acoustic curtain.
We will explain how to take the measurements correctly to obtain maximum acoustic insulation or maximum acoustic absorption.
How to measure the width?
To correctly measure the width that our curtain should have, we take the exact measure of our window or door, and add an additional extra of about 25 or 30cm to each side of the window.
It would be advisable to extend about 50cm to each side instead of about 25 or 30cm if your installation allows it. With these extra 50cm on each side, we would obtain maximum acoustic insulation from our curtain.
Take as an example the installation of a curtain of 1m wide, the measures would be:
Minimum Measures
- +1m (curtain width).
- +60cm (additional 30cm on each side).
- Our curtain should be 1.60m wide.
Recommended measures to maximize insulation
- +1m (curtain width).
- +1m (additional 50cm on each side)
- Our curtain should be 2m wide, if our aesthetics and installation allows it, thus achieving maximum insulation.

How to measure the height?

It would be advisable to expand to the ceiling instead of about 25 or 30cm if your installation allows it. With this increase at the top, we achieve the maximum level of sound insulation.
If for example we want to place a curtain for a window that is 1m high and 1m high, our curtain should be:
Minimum Measures
- +1m (height at which the floor window is)
- + 1m (window height)
- + 30cm (additional at the top)
- What makes a total of 2.30m high, which must be subtracted 2cm at the bottom to avoid touching the ground, leaving a curtain 2.28m high.
Recommended measures to maximize insulation
- +1m (height at which the floor window is)
- +1m (window height)
- If our aesthetics and installation allows it, at the top we would add curtain until we reach the ceiling.
- What would make a total of: 2m + The distance to the ceiling, which must be subtracted 2cm at the bottom to avoid touching the ground, leaving a curtain of: 1.98m + The distance to the ceiling.