
DecoratelESPAÑA is one of the leading manufacturers in Europe in the manufacture of acoustic soundproofing curtains.

More than 35 years leading the sector and having important clients in Europe, Latin America, USA. and Arab Emirates.

Our factories are located in Spain, where we own our own industries in Madrid, Barcelona and Seville. The latter being our main logistics warehouse, from where we export all our curtains to the different countries of the world.

Our company has the homologation and all the official certificates of quality and in compliance with the preventive fire safety measures, since our curtains are used mainly in public places. Therefore, we only use fireproof materials according to international standards UNE / ISO-9001.

In 2015 DecoratelESPAÑA carried out an important application at its facilities in Madrid, providing it with the latest technology in industrial machinery of the latest generation. What has allowed us to cover the growing demand for our products. Thanks to our distributors in different continents, which make it possible for Decoratel curtains to have a greater presence and prestige every day. Being this Spanish company a worldwide reference, which allows us to bring the professionalism and good work of a 100% “made in Spain” product.


Avda. de Las Moreras, nave 14
28350 – Ciempozuelos (Madrid)
Phone: 91 218 61 28
Fax: 91 218 61 29


Carrer Sant Joaquím, s/n
08820 – Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Phone: 93 299 09 74
Fax: 93 299 09 74


Amancio Renes, 72
41702 – Dos Hermanas (Sevilla)
Phone: 902 050 480
Fax: 955 333 659


Avda. Andalucía, 119
41702 – Dos Hermanas (Sevilla)
Phone: 955 664 967 –
Fax: 955 333 659

Acoustic Curtains